College Basketball Random Bracket
Now that college basketball excitement is in full swing, here’s a fun free game. The best part is it’s easy to play this with your family and friends and you don’t need a Microsoft 365 subscription.
This is a unique way to participate during the college basketball tournament where you own a set of teams that Excel randomly assigns to you. This isn’t a standard bracket tracker: you don’t have to pick winners and losers or think about stats and upsets. Excel assigns you the teams to root for and puts you in head-to-head competition with your friends.
Here’s a summary of the game flow, and the Excel file will share detailed instructions.
This is what the “Bracket” sheet can look like when the tournament is over and all the elimination rounds have been entered in the “Team Assignments” sheet. For example, the player, GA, is the champion as let’s say their team, Texas, wins the tournament.
And this is the zoomed-out view of the Bracket Sheet.
Game on!
Johnnie Thomas, Jordan Yoon-Buck, Jerica Copeny, Urmi Gupta